The torc is made from rope twisted over a wire core. I think it was an old school skipping rope. The ends are stitched and bound with thread. Then I put several coats of gold Meltdown paint on it.
The drinking cup is one of those

My elegant spoon turned up at a jumble sale. It looks pretty Roman to me.

The cooking pot was made by a local pottery for baking bread in. I think Candidus would use it for porridge or something, because Roman bread was flat-bottomed. The only time I tried baking bread according to a Roman recipe, it turned out very flat and rock hard (it tasted good, though). I may need to rethink my cooking methods. I may need to let other people do the cooking.
I found this glass in an Italian supermarket. It's cast in a mould, exactly like real Roman glass. It wasn't as expensive, though.