Sunday, July 23, 2006


Our Year 4 children performed an assembly about Boudicca right at the end of term (not that anyone had anything else to think about that week...). Most of the Iceni were in checky PJ bottoms and blue face paint (but I'm not going to post any pictures of topless gentlemen) and the Romans in my red T-shirts. The children made their own Celtic shields. The horse is a Moreton Hall classic of great antiquity, as it was the first costume I made. Which explains why it looks more like a camel. The front half looked particularly impressive singing along to 'Onward Christian soldiers' with its big red mouth. I am particularly proud of the chariot which would have run along the stage properly if the horse's bottom had remembered to pick up the pole. The axle is a mop handle and the thing itself is cardboard painted with wood varnish. There isn't any bottom to it.

The Roman soldiers' helmets and shields were made by pupils a few years back (I need to make a new set, I think!). They were very proud of themselves, because they managed to say all their lines in Latin ("eheu! Boudicca saeva est! timeo" "sed Boudicca femina est. Romani feminas non timent!")

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