Friday, June 01, 2012

Subject & Object

We've been learning about subject and object endings (Chapter 11)...
rana vespam consumit

vespa ranam consumit
 crocodilus porcum consumit
porcus crocodilum consumit

We'll be having a go at the Sentence Generator next, to practise with adjectives as well. It only works on Internet Explorer, infuriatingly. One of these days, I'll work out why, and fix it!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Wooden Horse

Here's a fabulous illustrated version of the Wooden Horse story, by a Year 5 pupil

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vindolanda letters

Year 5 have been learning about the Vindolanda letters, and writing their own, based on the Minimus worksheets. The children wrote letters home from soldiers stationed at the fort, and we added their text to a template of a wooden writing tablet.I found a wonderful font called Cursiva Romana Antiqua for the display versions, which is based on the handwriting from the real letters. We enjoyed trying to decipher the strange 'p','r' and 'b'.